Pendidikan Islam sebagai Problem Solver Mengatasi Dekadensi Moral Pelajar


  • Andri Syahputra Pascasarjana, UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim, Riau, Indonesia
  • Ellya Roza Pascasarjana, UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim, Riau, Indonesia



Education, Islam, Moral


Islam as a perfect religion and authentic li kulli wal eats (correct at all times and places) can certainly be a solution to all the problems of a nation. one of the problems of a nation is regarding the character of students who are increasingly losing the character that should be implemented in their daily life. Islam exists not only to deal with the vertical relationship between creatures and the Creator, but also in horizontal affairs, namely between fellow creatures. In Islam itself there are various educations, both aqidah, muamalah, morals and so on. An education must also have a mature concept and objectives in order to achieve the desired thing. In this article the focus is on discussing the objectives of Islamic education in the process of character building (character building). Descriptive approach and library research in this study really need to be done to look for facts and realities that exist, especially the purpose of Islamic education in building student character. The primary data source in this study is the Kapita Selekta Book on Islamic Education, and the secondary data are books, journals and scientific papers that are in accordance with the goals of Islamic education. From the results of this study, information was obtained that there were at least five basic methods for achieving the goals of Islamic education in building student character, namely: teaching, exemplary, setting priorities, priority praxis, and reflection.


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How to Cite

Syahputra, A., & Roza, E. (2023). Pendidikan Islam sebagai Problem Solver Mengatasi Dekadensi Moral Pelajar. Al-Aulia: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman, 9(1), 14-26.

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