Author Guidelines
- The author must send the manuscript online by first registering as an author to the website. Register here.
- The article should be original-scientific paper, has never been published, and is not under review in other journals. The statement of originality and agreement is available here.
- The article should be written either in Bahasa Indonesia or in English.
- The article is formatted in Ms. Word and in A4 paper with Book Antiqua of font 12 with 1.15 space and single column format. Justify alignment is in 10 to 15 pages.
- It is suggested to use of reference manager, such as Mendeley.
- Article Format has met the Article Template of Mitra Ash-Shibyan: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling.
- References used in the article should be at least 15 articles which published in the last ten years.
The author must follow the following Article Organization:
- Article Title
The title of the article should be accurate, unambiguous, specific, and complete. It should be written in 15 to 20 words with font of 16 pt bold Book Antiqua, single (1) space, and in center.
- Author’s Name and Affiliation
The author’s name must be written completely without a title and professional positions. Also, the affiliation of the author must be written clearly under the author’s name. Affiliation includes a name of department/unit, and name of university. Please indicate the Corresponding Author (include email address) by adding an email behind the name. Author’s name and affiliation is written in bold (for author’s name) and regular (for affiliation) Book Antiqua of 11 pt, centered type.
- Abstract
The word “Abstract” is typed in bold-capitalized Book Antiqua, 12 pt, single (1) space, spacing before 6 pts and spacing after 6 pts. An abstract must be written in only a single-justified paragraph with regular (no bold and no italic) Book Antiqua of 11 pt, single (1) space, and is written in Bahasa Indonesia and English of 150 to 250 words. An abstract contains research objectives, research methods, analytical technique, and research result. Put 3 to 5 keywords under the abstract which separated by comma (,).
- Introduction
The word “Introduction” is typed in capital letters of Book Antiqua, 14 pt. It clearly provides problem of the study, problem solving plan, aims of the study, and literature review, GAP analysis, novelty statement, and hypothesis (if any). The paragraph in the article is suggested to write in about 2 to 3 pages or 15 paragraphs in Book Antiqua 12, regular, 1.15 space.
- Methodology
The word “Methodology” is typed in capital letters of Book Antiqua, 14 pt. It clearly completely explains how the research is completed containing research approach, population and sample/ informant(s), research instrument/ tool(s), data collection technique, data analysis technique used in the research.
- Results and Discussions
The word “Result and Discussion” is typed in capital letters of Book Antiqua, 14 pt. This section presents a summary of analytical research findings and discussions. This actually describes What or How the presented data were produced, no raw data should be presented in the article. The research findings or results are presented in logical sequence. They can be supplemented by tables, graphs (images), and (or) charts. However, they cannot be repeated in the text. Only important part of the study is presented. The section will also need to present connection between research findings and basic concept made earlier. The section is also suggested to describe the limitation of the study, gaps analysis, novel findings.
- Conclusions
The word “Conclusions” is typed in capital letters of Book Antiqua, 14 pt. This section presents summary of research findings and discussion that linked to the title and objective of the study. This section will also need to present suggestions for further researches or theoretical development. Paragraphed sentence is preferred.
- Bibliography
The word “Bibliography” is typed in capital letters of Book Antiqua, 14 pt. Bibliography contains of minimum 80% or 15 primary referenced sources or journals that published in the last 10 years. Reference regulation used in the article follows the lates version of the American Psychological Association (APA). All references mentioned in the article must be listed in the bibliography. It is suggested to use of reference manager such as Mendeley.