Author Guidelines

  • All manuscript shall be written in Indonesian and submitted online via journal website
  • Manuscript shall be formatted in one column using 12 pt Times New Roman font type, 1.15 space in the A4 paper, justify alignment in a minimum number of 10 pages and maximum number of 20 pages. All manuscripts should be in Microsoft Word at least 2007 version.
  • The titlemust be written in title case and should be in 16 pt font size, center alignment, and maximum 15 words.
  • Author’s nameshall be in 12 pt font size, centered alignment, and without an academic degree.
  • Correspondence’s addressincludes an email address, name, and address of correspondence’s affiliation or institution origin written in 11 pt font size and centered alignment.
  • The abstractshould be written in English and/or Bahasa Indonesia in one paragraph consists of minimum 150 word and maximum 250 words. The abstract should explain the purpose, method, and the result of the research concisely.   
  • Keywordsare any terms related to the general issue(s) of the articles and written maximumly 5 keywords.
  • Systematic for research article are:


Introduction is a part consists of a background of the study, literature review as a basis of the research issue, hypotheses, and the purpose of the study. This part shall be presented in the form of the paragraph and with no title part.


Method is a part consists of the design of the research, subject, instrument, data collection procedure, and data analysis


The part of result exposes the findings obtained from research data which is related to the hypotheses.


The part of discussion explains the findings obtained from research data along with theory and similar research comparison.


Conclusion part answers the aforementioned hypotheses, research purpose, findings, and discussion as well as the expected suggestions for the future research. Conclusion shall be written in a paragraph.

Acknowledgment (Optional)

Acknowledgment (Optional) Recognize those who helped in the research, especially funding supporter of your research. Include individuals who have assisted you in your study: Advisors, Financial supporters, or may another supporter, i.e. Proofreaders, Typists, and Suppliers, who may have given materials. Do not acknowledge one of the authors names.


Reference, all the references that used in the article must be listed in this part. In this part, all the used references must be taken from primary sources (scientific journals at least 80% from all the references) that published in the last ten years. Each article should has at least ten references.

  • Systematic for review article are:title; author’s name; correspondence address, abstract, keywords, introduction (no title); main discussion (could be divided into several sub-discussion); conclusion; acknowledgment (optional); references.
  • Eachtitle partshall be written in different types (all title part and subpart shall be written in bold or italic bold) and not in numbering format:
  • Table: table shall be clearly identified using number and title above the table in bold font, 10 pt font, left alignment. The table shall be positioned in center text. The first letter in the table shall be capitalized, except phrases. Table’s data shall be written in single space, 10 pt font. The table shall be presented only in horizontal line and shall be mentioned in the paragraph.
  • Figure: Figure shall be presented in average to high resolution and identified using number and title above and written in bold font 10 pt left alignment. Figure shall be mentioned in the paragraph.
  • Citation and Reference are written according to the APA (American Psychological Association) 6th edition style. The references shall be ordered based on alphabetical and chronological order. We recommend to use reference manager application such as MendeleyEnd Note, or Zotero. Below are the example of References written according to the APA 6th edition style.


Sugiyono 2011, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R & D, Bandung, Alfabeta.


Markus, H.R., Kitayama, S., &Heiman, R.J. (1996). Cultureandbasicpsychologicalprinciples. Dalam E.T. Higgins& A.W. Kruglanski (Eds.), Socialpsychology: Handbookofbasicprinciples. New York: The GuilfordPress.


Van Wagner, K. (2006). Guideto APA format. AbouPsychology. Accessedon November 16, 2006 from apastyle/guide.

Journal Article

Wassman, J., &Dasen, P.R. (1998). Balinesespatialorientation. Journal of Royal AnthropologicalInstitute, 4, 689-731.

Online journal:

Jenet, B.L. (2006). A meta-analysisononlinesocialbehavior. Journalof Internet Psychology, 4.Accessedon November 16, 2006 from http://www. 3924.html.

Artikel dari database:

Henriques, J.B., & Davidson, R.J. (1991) Left frontal hypoactivation in depression. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 100, 535-545. Diambil 16 November 2006 dari PsychINFOdatabase.

Online Forums, Discussion Lists, or Newsgroups:

Leptkin, J.L. (2006, November 16). Study tipsforpsychologystudents [Msg. 11]. Message were relyon


Santamaria, J.O. (September 1991). Howthe 21stcentury willimpacton human resourcedevelopment(HRD) professionalsandpractitioners in organizations. Paper waspresentedonInternationalConferenceonEducation, Bandung, Indonesia

Skripsi, Tesis dan disertasi:

Santoso, G.A. (1993). Faktor-faktor sosial-psikologis yang berpengaruh terhadap tindakan orang-tuauntuk melanjutkan pendidikan anak ke sekolah lanjutan tingkat pertama (Studi lapangan di pedesaan Jawa Barat dengan analisis model persamaan struktural). Disertasi doktoral, Program PascasarjanaUniversitas Indonesia, Jakarta.

Laporan penelitian:

Villegas, M., &Tinsley, J. (2003). Does educationplay a role in bodyimagedissatisfaction? Laporan Penelitian, Buena Vista University. Pusat Penelitian Kesehatan Universitas Indonesia. (2006). Surveinasional penyalahgunaan dan peredaran gelap narkoba pada kelompok rumah tangga di Indonesia, 2005. Depok: Pusat Penelitian UI dan Badan Narkotika Nasional.

Encyclopedia, dictionary:

Sadie, S. (Ed.). (1980). The newGrovedictionaryof music andmusicians (6th ed., Vols. 1-20). London: Macmillan.

  • All issues regarding permission of citation or software utilization during the process of paper or any issues regarding Intellectual Property Rights related to the author including its legal consequences will be the responsible of the author.
  • The Board is authorized to reject a manuscript based on peer reviewer advice and make a necessary changes or adjustment related with language properties without altering the substance. Substance editing would be consulted with the author first.